(213)-268-0436 info@diagusa.org

Earn while you learn

To Strengthen BUSINESSES AND Empower a Skilled Workforce

DIAG USA offers work-based training programs merging theoretical instruction with paid hands-on learning to train a globally competitive workforce.
The DIAG USA programs are built on the successful German Dual Education System.

DIAG USA involvement

DIAG USA coordinates between students, employers, educational providers, and career counselors. We collaborate with policymakers and community advocates to create solutions to close the skills gap.

Apprenticeship Components

Apprenticeships are linked with custom training programs in the industry to offer a dual education, guaranteed to meet the skills companies need.
Skills and competency are measured with rigorous exams.

Business Involvement

Employers are the foundation of every apprenticeship program.

Structured On- the-Job Training

Apprentices receive on-the-job training from an experienced mentor.

Related Instruction

Apprenticeships combine on-the-job learning with theoretical education at community colleges, technical schools or regional training centers, provided online or in the classroom.

Earn While you Learn

Apprentices receive a salary during training.

National Occupational Credential

Registered apprenticeship programs result in a nationally recognized credential – a 100% guarantee to employers that apprentices are fully qualified for the job.



12130 Millennium Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90094